Mobile Phone Unlock Box Cyclone Box
*USB bus only powered, current in idle state is only - 55mA!
*First in world flexible pinout configurations via software. You can use for example TX2 pin on any RJ48 output I/O pin to avoid current cable mess on market.
*First in world built-in 10Pin diagnostic service for measurement phone damages, via voltage, current, frequency, STI BUS.
*Very fast frequencies, very fast flashes, real bus speed up to 10-11 MBit, using two data lines too.
*UFS / JAF compatible pinout
*Switchable VPP - either external (when power supply is given) or internally generated signal, boosting flashing / erasing speed much
*Advanced selftests system
*Supports both flashbus and USB conncetions for Nokia phones.
*Built-in secure smartcard
*No problems with other boxes. Drivers used will not making problems for other smartcard / FTDI devices. Just plug & play and enjoy.